North Central Extension Research Activities


The committee is composed of state representatives from North Central Region Land Grant Universities working in the area of soil testing and nutrient management with expertise in laboratory operations, soil, plant and manure analysis, and soil test calibration for improved nutrient recommendations.

Activities include:

  • Meet annually to review new developments in soil testing methodology and discuss relevant topics such as the principles underlying various tests and recommendations, results of research on new analytical methods, innovations in laboratory operations and instrumentation, use of information technology and computer programming for lime and nutrient applications, and for soil test result summaries by county, state, or geographic region.
  • Conduct cooperative research studies on various aspects of soil fertility diagnosis and correction such as laboratory operations, laboratory quality control and quality assurance, correlation of soil test results with crop responses to nutrient applications, roles of soil testing in nutrient management planning and the improvement of analytical methods, laboratory operations and crop response calibrations.
  • Foster the initiation of additional research where needed to improve soil testing, plant analyses and nutrient application recommendations by bringing these needs to the attention of the appropriate persons or agencies.
  • Maintain representation and provide advice to S 890, the North American Proficiency Testing (NAPT) program, and state entities involved in laboratory oversight.
  • Establish communications and liaison with NC-218 (need title) and NCERA-180 (need title) Regional Committees. Continue the working relationship with SERA-IEG-6 (need title). Continue periodic joint meetings with SERA-IEG-6 and NEC-1007 (need title) to develop joint recommendations and manuals.
  • Disseminate outputs through workshops, publications, and electronic media. The committee prepares and publishes bulletins, organizes regional workshops, and serves as a source of information on soil and plant analyses, interpretation of analyses and nutrient application recommendations to state and federal agencies, commercial labs and public.